The Decision Support Service
The Decision Support Service promotes the rights and interests of people needing decision-making support. They register decision support arrangements and supervise decision supporters.
Key reforms under the act:
- Capacity is assessed in a time-specific and issue-specific way.
- The wards of the court system for adults will be abolished.
- Adult wards of court will have their cases reviewed and will exit wardship within three years.
- The Act provides a new three-tier support framework to support a person’s decision-making about property and affairs and personal welfare.
- There are new ways for everyone to plan in case we lose our ability to make certain decisions in future.
- New guiding principles emphasise privacy, autonomy, and respect for a person’s will and preferences.
The Role of the Decision Support Service will be:
- To promote awareness and provide information about the Act.
- To regulate and register decision support arrangements.
- to supervise the actions of the legally appointed “decision supporters.”
- to maintain panels of suitable persons to carry out certain functions under the Act.
- To publish codes of practice.
- To investigate complaints about decision supporters and arrangements.